Monday, July 9, 2007

Hometown Fest!!

Every year the Palatine Jaycees throw this HUGE production called Hometown Fest. We have live music, a carnival, and all kinds of booths set up. This year was a blast! Here are some fun pictures from other people since I didn't bring Jason's camera knowing I would be covered in beer since I worked at the beer tent a lot over 3 days:-)

Here is me being silly. I waved to Jim when he came up so he told me to do that again so I had to exagerate a little! Didn't realize he had a camera!
This is President Janet driving the tractor at tractor training! We had to take a class to learn how to drive a tractor for Hometown was quite fun! Sorry, no pictures of me driving the tractor yet...they are being held hostage:-)
This is Cynthia and Jeff and Jackie's cute dog. I don't think Cynthia like's dogs too much:-)

This is CRASH a Dave Matthews cover band that we had playing on Monday night...they were really GOOD! Almost like being at a DMB show except there were no HUGE crowds of mean people wanting to start fights!

BOTTLE OF JUSTUS- This is my all time favorite local band...I have watched these guys since ISU (they all live at ISU) and they are awesome!

Well those are all the pictures for now of fest. I will post more as I get them and coming up as soon as Jason will let me upload the camera----our BBQ last night with Codie the lab, Shaka the wiener dog/lab mix, Dakota, and Lacy! Well I am off to an interview now!!! Wish me luck!

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