Friday, July 20, 2007

Boring pic's

Jason has the camera in Vegas so in the mean time I will leave a pretty flower to look at:-)

So last weekend I had an event with the Jaycee's called Bahai and was a TON of fun! We visited the Bahai temple in Wilmette and actually got a tour from a girl who knows a TON about the religion and the history of the place so we learned a lot. Then we went to Thai Sookdee in Evanston and ate a TON. I highly recommend this restaurant...lots of choices and it is very reasonably priced.

I have pictures of all of this but once again the camera is in Vegas (I can't believe the camera (well Jason) has been to Vegas so many times and I have yet to go...sad) (((Whitney I think if I can get time off in September I will take you and Rachel up on the offer to go!))))

Then on Sunday I had a softball game and we won! We are going to be in the playoff's now so that is pretty exciting! Lacy and Dakota came to watch me play so I was distracted and didn't do too hot, but I did catch a ball and that was a first so I am happy!

Then it was back to work:-( I get to work all this weekend too so I am excited (not really)

Upcoming posts....pic's from Bahai and Thai, my new hair, and pic's from the upcoming regional which is being held in Des Plaines!

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