Thursday, April 28, 2011


Wow, it's been awhile! I am going to try and get back into this writing thing....I hope.

Last week I organized a volunteer day for the store managers in my district---we spent the morning helping out at the WINGS resale shop. It was a great way to try and do some much needed team building in my district.

I should have taken the leader approach and split people up into groups to try and get people to talk that normally don't....but I got so distracted by the books! There were piles and piles of books that have been donated but no one had sorted or put out yet. I was in heaven! I absolutely love the smell of books, how the different covers feel, and looking at other peoples notes:-) I found a couple books that look as if they were given to a wife by a husband who didn't want her to leave him---a love story I would have loved to see how it ended! I think this will be the base of my next book. Look at me...NEXT book? Haha ...I mean first book:-) Hopefully after 10 years the writers block has disappeared and I can get going! Wish me luck!

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