Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wow, it has almost been a month.....

I am not good with this blog thing! So this past month has been very hectic....trying to get acclimated with my new job, helping to build a haunted house, putting my speech together to run for a new position with the Jaycees, volunteering, and making new friends!!!!

NEW JOB- it is going GREAT! I absolutely love love love having a boss who tells me everyday how happy he is that he hired me and telling me over and over how smart I am. He lets me run things the way I want and is there to support me. I can't tell you how much I have spread my wings by having a boss who trusts me and believes in me! Today I did my 2nd orientation and had 10 new associates attend. It is so cool learning the HR side of the job! I don't even mind working a ton as long as I am learning!

HAUNTED HOUSE- I used POWER TOOLS! I helped to build walls which we are using for the Jaycee's haunted house. It was really pretty cool. I was there on day one cleaning this yucky place out (it hadn't been occupied for over 7 years) and it is really cool to see the transformation. We open in 12 days so I can't wait! I am going to mostly be at the membership table trying to recruit new members, but I am going to scare people too!

We had nominations last week for the 2008 boards and I was nominated to be Membership VP and I accepted. I can't believe how much I have changed since joining the Jaycees and I would love to share that with other people. I have made so many friends that I know will be around for a long time and I have grown so much. It will be a LOT of work, but I am excited to meet a ton of people!

New friends!!! I have started becoming very close with a few of the Jaycees so Friday night at the Donkey Inn have started to become a tradition! Rachel turned 30 last week (happy birthday!) so we went out to dinner and bowling for that....we had a Cosmos and Cleavage party last night (bra fitting party) and had a blast with that!

This weekend is bowling on Saturday night and WINGS 5k on Sunday. Have a great week everyone!

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