Saturday, March 6, 2010

Make a Wish benefit/fashion show

My trainee who is going to be the next big thing:-)
Chicago North:-)

Chicago North/ Central/ and West

The make a wish kids with the fashion designers

My company is teaming up with MAW foundation in the month of March and doing some pretty amazing things. Every store has two weeks to see how much money they can raise for this incredible organization...the energy each store has continues to amaze me. On Thursday night we attended a benefit/fashion show at Rockit Bar in the city. Three MAW kids had their wish of working with a designer and being able to design their own collection. The designs were then showcased in a fashion show that night. Here are some pics....

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day at the museum

We decided to spend the day at the Museum of Science and fun! I had to get pulled away from the dress made of LED lights, I made Chris wait in line for 45 minutes to see the coal mine exhibit, we toured a plane, got our picture taken with a submarine, saw a horrible I-max movie about the Great Lakes that had WAY too many fish in it, and got to see the museum set up for Christmas Around the World.

Fall fun times

Chris & I after hiking....I was COVERED in prickly things:-(

I would have kept climbing but it felt a little shaky

The platform

Getting ready to scared!

I did it!!!!