Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday reflections....

As I sit here looking out the window at the beautiful snow on the ground there are many thoughts running through my head...how can something so pretty and pure like snow cause so much frustration...how can it determine if you are able to make it home for the holidays...how can something so pure and innocent cause so many different happenings...good and bad? I guess that is what Christmas boils down to as well. Society has hyped it up so much that I don't think anyone can truly appreciate what it really means....does anyone REALLY know the true meaning? Here is what Christmas means to me:
*beauty...all the lights, snow, and warmth that comes with Christmas
*love...spending time with my family means the world to me now that it does not happen as often as I would like
*remembering....Christmas at our house has a lot of memories (good and bad) My favorites are custard pie at Grandma B's, wondering what new food Uncle Santa is going to bring to Christmas dinner, the year Santa forgot to bring my my Cabbage Patch doll so his elf rang the doorbell to bring what he left behind, having Troy take me to the basement while mom wrapped presents and him telling me if I yelled really loud Santa could hear me and bring me those Strawberry Shortcake roller skates I wanted. Christmas Eve is bittersweet for me...every year we go to church at 11:00 and when we get out it is Christmas Day! The last song we sing is Silent Night and it is so fitting...that was Grandpa's favorite Christmas song and ironically enough was the song that was playing at the hospital when he passed away. I still get chills every year when the lights dim and we are all holding candles...it sums up Christmas to me at that point....we must open our eyes to see the beauty and light the way for others so no one gets left behind.
*reflecting and being thankful....although this has been a year full of trials for me I can't help but to feel so lucky. I took on a challenge to grow this year and find myself and my inner strength. I have developed true friendships, found out a little more about myself, and have molded my life a little more in the direction I want to go. I have the most supportive family anyone could ask for, the best friends that will be there for me no matter what, a job that allows me to support myself and although it is not always good I am blessed to have a job, and a head on my shoulders that allows me to keep everything in perspective at all times.

To me the true meaning of Christmas is all of this. I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and I hope everyone is able to spend a restful day with their families and friends. Now some pictures from my Holiday Party:-)