Monday, December 10, 2007

Rocky Update

After a LONG week and even LONGER weekend Rocky is FINALLY starting to feel better! The doctor had called on Friday and said he had urinary tract disease and the beginning of crystals forming which isn't good but it was great that we caught it in time. He put Rocky on new food to prevent another episode and an antibiotic. Friday night I spent all night up with the poor guy, he couldn't stop getting sick. In the morning I started to freak out a bit because he started spitting up blood:-( So I rushed him to the vet and waited for them to get him in. He retested him and said he was fine he was probably just reacting badly to the antibiotic. They gave him a shot of the new antibiotic and told me not to feed him until Sunday morning. For those of you who know the little guy you know this is an impossible feat...he wants to eat all the time! He made it though and when I fed him Sunday morning he was like new. I tried to give him his new medicine and he literally spit it out at me!

He cuddled all night with me last night and was begging for food this morning so I think he is well on his way to recovery! Thank you all for your good thoughts! He is on a diet even more now so maybe the next time everyone sees him he will be a new slimmer version of himself! Also, his birthday is on Wednesday and the vet informed me that he will be a senior citizen....he now gets a senior discount!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I had to take Rocky to the vet this morning because he has been having quite a few accidents and has been using his litter box A LOT. He HATES being in the car, but he behaved perfectly at the vet once again and purred a lot for them. He had to stay there though because they are doing some tests on him, he had to get x rays, and they had to do blood work. The doctor just called now and said his x rays came back clear (YIPPEE!) but we were too late with the blood work and samples that we won't have an answer on that until the morning. Please keep the poor little (he is down to 17lbs!) guy in your thoughts today. Here are some pictures of the purry guy!