Tuesday, November 27, 2007

About time....

Wow, it has been TWO months since I posted anything. :-( I asked Santa for a new camera for Christmas though so maybe in the new year I will post every week...maybe even every day! Here are just a few photos I stole from my friend Richard....whenever we are at a Jaycee event I make him take pictures so I can use them on my blog:-)

So here is some of what has been going on...starting with most recent because I posted the pics in the wrong order....leave it to me to do that!

Me acting VERY silly at the GA in St Louis. I had just won a HUGE award so I was very excited and decided to do something very Mindy like!

Me being amused at lunch at the St Louis GA.....

My friend Rachel and me at her 30th birthday celebration. Anyone who lives in this area HAS to try this restaurant. It is SO good. Don't remember the name but it is right next to Bob Chinn's.....

My friend Rachel and me at Octoberfest. It was in the 80's that day so my hair was reacting to humidity.....IN OCTOBER. Weird.

Jason took Dakota to his parents for the weekend and they turned her into a pumpkin! I decided to add another pumpkin to the picture.....

Richard and myself at the 1st annual Palatine Jaycees Hometown Haunt! I was in this room that was all black and had black lights and masks on the wall...I blended in and then followed people and scared them. It was fun:-)

Justine, myself, and Vanessa's mom painting pottery at Clairbear's Pottery.

I was very tempted to paint Justine in this picture:-)

So besides work that is what I have been doing! Thanksgiving was great, I am so happy I got to see my family and my little munchkin nephews! Now it is back to crazy crazy holiday time working at Old Navy. Hope everyone is doing well and until next time (whenever that will be!) enjoy!