Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cute stuff

So as I was cleaning out my closet today and going through all my bags I found a disposable camera from Oct/Nov that I forgot about. So I decided to see what I would find! There were a LOT of really bad pictures of me so this is all you get!

All the cat's on my aunt and uncle's farm! There were even more and out of all 12 I think only 2 let me pet them and only 1 let me pick him up:-(

My godson Trent enjoying a warm fall day!

More of the cute kitties!

Well, it is at least a post!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Another boring no pic post

So it has come very quickly, I am in my final days at Carsons! Tomorrow is my last closing and my last Senior Day...Thursday will be my last truck...Friday will be my last Friday and the cleaning of the desk. Weird. I am super excited though.
In fact, yesterday when I was at Starbucks (only the 2nd time of the day) the guy who always makes my drink commented on how I was the only one from my store smiling anymore. When I told him my last day was Friday he understood completely! My associates are being awesome and very supportive. They are sad but very happy for me, they know how stressed I have been. A lot of them have said they want to come with me and a lot of them are thinking about quitting so it is nice to know they respected me and will miss me:-)
My exit interview was last friday because my HR manager is on vacation this week...she didn't even say good luck or goodbye so that just completely confirmed my decision!


Friday night I am going out to celebrate with Lynn and Justine (don't worry girls you know you are right behind me!)
Saturday and Sunday will be spent in Naperville for the Jaycees big awards thingy. It will be a blast, there are 6 of us girls sharing a room so it should get interesting especially since Saturday night is formal....6 girls and one bathroom. YIKES.
Monday-Wednesday don't know yet but Jason says he has off so maybe we can find some fun stuff to do.
Friday I will go home and enjoy a weekend with the family before starting the new job!!!!!